Sierra Overhead Analytics
Customer had two (2) large concrete slabs used to drain and dry pressure treated poles for utility construction. These slabs exhibited three (3) areas of subsidence. The chemical containment requirements for this plant includes controlling drainage, and infiltration into the ground water.
The poly level process was chosen to raise the areas of subsidence and fill the voids under the slab. A five by five (5 x5) grid was used to inject the polyurethane foam beneath the slab. This void fill process effectively seals the slab to ground interface reducing the direct path of draining chemicals to the ground and ground water. The void fill also increased the ground support for the slab and the large forklifts, reducing the flexure of the slab and resulting cracks and deterioration.
This process was completed in just 4 days reducing the impact to business and production schedule adding additional value to the project.